Smiley Face Cake

Smiley Face Cake


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Smiley Face Cake

Smiley Face Cake is a well known for happy emotional face and flavor. We use best quality swiss chocolate flavor and fresh cream to enhance Smiley Face Cake superior from others. Furthermore, we bake cake with best quality of white flour, butter and fresh cream. For this Smiley Face Cake garnishing, we used excellent quality of fresh cream and Swiss Chocolate flavor and cookie.

It becomes a trend to celebrate any occasion to cut a cake. People are demanding more n more unique cakes to impress people around them. A well designed cake defines the prestige of host. We preferred online module to connect with more premium customers. We worked hard to full-fill customer’s desire.We experiment well with different products to make cake unique n distinguished. Result of our designers’ hard work we found many standard Cakes. We glad to launch one of them which is called Smiley Face Cake which preferable for any special day or ceremony. Suratis love to taste different combination cakes. It is made from best quality of layers of soft spongy bread and fresh cream, Swiss Chocolate flavor and fresh cream and some toppings. It has mouth watering taste to enhance your taste-buds. A combination of Swiss Chocolate flavor, fresh cream and toppings will take you the different yummy world. At one platform, all sweets come together to light up your auspicious occasion. Although there are too many ingredients finally cake developed with love to convert your day into sweet memories . We can deliver this cake in mid night too. The timings of delivery is 11:00 am to 12:00 am. Customer can choose his/her convenient delivery time as well as date. Customer must have to order 3 hours in advance. We deliver quality premium cake.For mid night delivery, customer must have to to book this cake before 7:00 pm. So that we can deliver at night till 12:00 am.



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